the world at my finger tips

the world at my finger tips

Monday, January 24, 2011


hello bloggers.

Okay, so I know I wrote on here this morning but I had to come back & write about an experience I just encountered.  I don't think I have the words to described it, but I am going to try.  So after all I did this morning, we headed out about to the Opera House to catch a show. We walked there and missed the show but watched an outside concert and ate stuffed churros.  But that's not the best part. All over the ship, news was that there was this Zamba party somewhere in town. So after watching the concert for a few, we thought "hey we can't be that far from the Zamba place let's walk".  So the walk was super sketchy and probably not the smartest idea but with 11 of us we were fine and the outcome was WORTH IT.  After asking about 7 locals for directions we finally made it --- to what turned out to be the SICKEST block party anyone can every imagine.  The only way to semi describe it is just a school of people in like a drumline; singing, dancing, and drinking, and having a GOOOOOD TIME. My friends and I danced for about 3 hrs straight - faculty and staff were all there to witness this extravaganza that is almost unexplainable, but simply amazing. I gotta say I am probably one of the happiest people on this planet at this every moment and can't thanks my parents and friends for all they have done. I can't wait to see what other crazy adventures I run into and what other memories I will create !!
goodnight friends

smooth sailing through the Amazon to Manaus Brazil!

After sailing 2 days through coffee milk looking waters and waving to some Amazonian people I gotta say I still can not believe I was there.  

Although I can say I was not a big fan of all the UGLY, HUGE, COLORFUL, DISGUSTING, CREEPY, FREAKY, flying bugs.  I've never seen bugs so big in my LIFE. There was one beetle that was the size of my friends hand. (in theory, that's kind of big) and of course I got goose bumps and couldn't even handle it ( ewww!! )  

Hanna and I at the meeting of the waters
Today we finally arrived in Manaus Brazil.  Nothing compared to Dominica but it will do for the next 5 days.  I did email my mom and asked her to look up flights so I could perhaps visit her in Colombia :) that would be pretty sweet.  Our first day here & my body hurts.  After getting off the ship, we headed straight to the meeting of the waters. 

Where the coffee milk like water meets with the black water from Colombia, but does not combine or mix.  After witnessing the waters, we continued on to see some sweet water HUMONGOUS fish.  When I get the chance to put up a video you can all see what I am talking about.  They weigh about 170 pounds our guide was telling us. :0 -- after this semi short, but interesting tour, we headed to the Opera House.  

The Opera House

me in front of the Opera House
A stunningly beautiful pink building with a colorful dome behind it. There are performances that go on daily, we missed the first one but we are headed back for the one at 7pm. Walking back from the Opera House, we ran into a huge market place.  There I bought a Brazilian bathing suit bottom which may be too small to wear in the U.S. but it will work here :).  I also got some Ecuadorian scarfs.  We met some locals, straight from the Amazon.  They live off of the stuff they sell and where ever the night brings them.  They were more like "Rastafarians" They were all about us, Hannah got a dread made by one of them .. videos & pics to come as soon as I can get to an internet cafe.  well this was just the beginning of day 1 --

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


So leaving Dominica was not bad, I had a great time.  But being at sea however, is a completely different story. 

At about 4 AM last night my roommate and I both woke up screaming because the stuff in our room had falling and we were both scared and confused.  The movement on the ship has been very rough and has left many people including myself sick.  I had to leave global studies (my first class this morning) due to sea sickness.  I went back to my room and went straight to bed.  

I saw the doctor who prescribed me the patch and I am hoping that it will work.  Now all I want is food and hope that the ship will stop moving so much, but that probably will not happen anytime soon.  

Well I better go before I get sick again sitting here trying to write this.
until later bloggers.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

First few days on the ship!

Finally made it to the ship, and it has only been a few days.  Classes started yesterday and so far I can not complain except for the fact that I am not going to like all the reading I will be doing.  But on a good note, I guess that will not matter when I can read on the top deck by the pool catching some rays :).  

Last night we were stopped for a few hours (bunkered) in Puerto Rico to refuel and to let some people off the ship.  Because Puerto Rico is part of the US, EVERYONE on the ship was on their phones.  It was quiet a scene if you ask me.  I was on mine until we pulled away at about 2:30 am and I no longer had any service.  It was good to hear the voices of family and friends, but at the same time it was a tease.  I felt like I was leaving the US all over again. 
As for the movement and sea sickness on the ship, the first night many people got sick and threw up.  Lucky I have not thrown up yet, but there are times in which I feel very dizzy and light headed.  It's not fun, but I can only hope that it will get better although we could go through some rough seas. 
I have met a lot of awesome people and can not wait to spend the next 4 months with them as well as keeping in touch when we head to our respective homes back in the states.  I would love to post pics on here, but due to the limited internet access I have, that can not be done.  As soon as I can put something up I will be sure to post it for all to see.
stay tuned for more adventures.
from somewhere in the WORLD
MEL :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Well making it to the Bahamas was plain and simple except our flight got delayed 2 hrs.  Leaving our family and friends at the airport was really hard & needless to say tears came down my face.  The weather is beautiful and the girls I'm staying with are awesome; can not complain.  Don't have much to to explain everything I've done here but its been a lot of fun.  I board the ship tomorrow and I am celebrating my 21st birthday tonight at Senor Frogs -- YAY.
well gotta run. til later America!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A little less than 24 hrs !!

he time has come. A little more than 24 hrs Rach & I will be boarding a plane from Boston with destination to the Bahamas.  As far as plans for the Bahamas, there is nothing set in stone, but there are other SASers there already who having been suggesting on different places to go and it seems like Senor Frog & Atlantis are a must.  Hoping that the weather stays warm, going to the beach might not be such a bad idea either ( : 

Today was my last day at the alumni office & i'm not gonna lie, it was not fun. I'm going to miss that place, even all of the work that I usually do (LOL).  as for goodbyes, I have been slowly but surely been making my rounds saying bye to all my friends *not so much fun :(*  it's only gonna be four long months before I can be reunited with them all again ! Tomorrow, my last day in the states I will be going out to the Womens URI basketball game then out to dinner at Olive Garden before heading out. Well that is all folks, stay tuned for my crazy adventures in the weeks to come.  

 I think IM READY!