the world at my finger tips

the world at my finger tips

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Well making it to the Bahamas was plain and simple except our flight got delayed 2 hrs.  Leaving our family and friends at the airport was really hard & needless to say tears came down my face.  The weather is beautiful and the girls I'm staying with are awesome; can not complain.  Don't have much to to explain everything I've done here but its been a lot of fun.  I board the ship tomorrow and I am celebrating my 21st birthday tonight at Senor Frogs -- YAY.
well gotta run. til later America!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa,
    Thanks for sharing! I am Becca Tepper's dad and I created a very simple "master blog" to bring all of the Semester at Sea blogs together in one place...I will optimize this site and maybe this will bring more readers to all of the blogs that are referenced.
    Check out and let me know if you have any suggestions for improving it.
    I am envious...enjoy every minute!
    Rob Tepper
